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SLRCFA Christmas Party & Club Meeting 2023


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SLRCFA Christmas Party & Club Meeting 2023

It's exciting to give and get gifts, and we can get the ball rolling December 21st, 2023, from 6pm-8:30pm.

We will have a gift exchange and QuickSTART raffle... see descriptions below.

Great $15 Catered Meal, with Beer, Soda and Water!!!

This year we'll have a delicious meal catered by Poor Richards, so register online or bring $15 to the event. Typically, we'll serve:

  • Salad
  • Buffalo Wings
  • Toasted Ravioli
  • Dinner Rolls
  • Pasta(s) with meat sauce
  • Dessert
  • Beer, soda and water

We're at The Timbers, Room 2 (upstairs)

You'll need to get to 1 Coffey Park Ln in Eureka, MO. Here's the building...

Year in Review

We'll talk about our accomplishments in 2023 and our Vision for 2024. A big part of the night will be to make sure our QuickSTART members all get a chance to meet the "larger SLRCFA" membership.

Board Member Election

If you prefer to cast a paper ballot instead of an online ballot, and you want to save a stamp, you can do it here.


We'll be giving out awards plaques to members this year.  Some past year's categories have included...

  • Above and Beyond Awards - for consistent year-after-year or exceptional 2023 volunteerism
  • Pilot of the Year
  • Craftsman of the Year
  • Newbie of the Year
  • Best Crash!

Eureka Food Pantry Raffle

If you bring cash or check donations, we'll fund the Eureka Food Pantry, as we do each year.

There will also be a special Food Pantry Raffle item!  Bring in an open auction item for an extra ticket for this awesome raffle, or purchase tickets!  Proceeds will benefit Eureka Food Pantry.

Open Auction

Items donated by members will be auctioned off to the highest bidder!  All are welcome to bid!

QuickSTART Raffle
  • If you're a member, bring an old plane or that foamy you never fly... we'll give it to one of our QuickSTART members as part of the QuickSTART raffle.
  • QuickSTART members: You'll be able to get tickets in the "QuickSTART Raffle" - no purchase necessary, but you must be at the meeting to participate. Additional tickets will be sold at the event, but only for QuickSTART and Youth members.

Gift Exchange

  • Everyone bring a wrapped gift valued at $20 for the gift exchange. Yes, we'll do the "Mean ole Santa" version.
  • Some guys build foam airframes, which is cool for a gift, too.
  • If you don't have a gift, come down anyway... you just won't participate in the exchange.

Thinking about joining? How about inviting a friend who's thinking about joining?!

  • Come on down to the Christmas Party, and bring your first-year fees. We'll take your application on-the-spot, and...

  • ...you'll be eligible for the gift exchange (if you brought a gift) and the member raffle.

  • You're AMA membership will be validated later, as well as your payment, you can print your 2024 SLRCFA Membership card after logging into SLRCFA.com.

(c) 2023, St. Louis Radio  Control Flying Association

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