2016 Mar

01 Mar 2016 7:01 PM | Marshall Henley

GSLMA Meeting – Wednesday, March 1st, 2016

Location: Grand Glaize Library Branch

Notes by: Jeffrey C. Young

Meeting called to order: 7:01pm

Roll Call.

February minutes read. Motion, second, and passed.

Treasures Report:

BB: $28,542.12

Total Deposits: $896.00

Debit – Porta Potty #870: $80.00

Total Debits: $80.00

EB: $29,358.12

Motion, second, and passed.

Buder Park Permits:

Permits 2016 02/01/2016 to 02/31/2016: 27

Permits 2016 YTD: 106

Old Business:

  • FPV signage to be completed. CL area signage to be completed.
  • Meeting with Jim G. at Buder to look at conditions at Buder and what improvements we could make. Also look at grill location. Tony will inform on date and time.
  • Buder field rental for Air Show – will fill out form and get final price.

New Business:

 FPV area at Buder is utilized and planning upcoming events.

 Work on master plan for Buder improvements.

 Chief Nesbit will enforce permit as needed.

 GSLMA Meeting date April 7th, May 3rd, and June 2nd.

 See if it possible to get dirt removed from CL speed cage for speed contest. 41K sq feet. Prices from $700.00 to $4000.00. Will see if SLCPD can clean, but delayed due to the shear amount of work from flooding. Will look into having GSLMA members perform work and get equipment.

Meeting closed 8:24pm

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